Mindful Momentum

Get day 1 to 31 of the Mindful Momentum journey for 29 EUR incl. VAT. Why it's worth going on this journey:


Exercises for your mindfulness journey

You will receive daily mindfulness exercises and background knowledge about your nervous system in your email inbox.

Mini breaks as the new normal

They say it takes about 21 days for a new habit to become established and for us to implement it effortlessly without thinking - are you ready to integrate the new habit of mini breaks into your life?

Increase your resilience

Resilience does not increase overnight. Constant signals to your nervous system: you are safe here, you can relax and a constant alternation between tension and relaxation will strengthen you in the long term and increase your resilience. Mindful Momentum helps you to establish breaks and thus strengthen your resilience.

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  • Total payment
  • 1xMindful Momentum Day 1 to 31€24.37

All prices in EUR